Standard Health Record
The Standard Health Record Collaborative is working to create the Standard Health Record (SHR), a single, high-quality health record for every individual in the United States. The SHR provides the foundation for the collection, communication, and aggregation of patient data, into one accurate, timely, precise, relevant, and complete record. SHR will accelerate secondary uses in public health, disease surveillance, post-approval monitoring, and patient-centered outcomes research. By establishing a single target for health data, the SHR can solve clinical interoperability and support a wide-range of clinicians, caregivers and healthcare providers.
Enabling transparency and precise communication across the healthcare system, the SHR leads clinicians and the American public to realize major benefits through improved care coordination, reduction of medical errors, minimization of waste, fraud, and abuse, and decreased costs that accompany healthier lives.
Currently, SHR provides standards for recording information about:
- Actors who play a role in the health space
- Immunization history of patients
- Human behaviors that impact present and future health (e.g. SmokingStatus and ContraceptiveMethodsUsed)
- Patient demographics
- Environmental factors that impact patient health and treatment access
- Life histories of patients, reflecting any changes over time
- Medications, highlighting treatment specific details and medication adherence
- Vital sign metrics crucial to emergency and in-patient treatment (e.g. DiastolicPressure and OxygenSaturation)
As an open source project, the SHR engages a broad community and can provide a powerful model for global health. To contribute, please visit the Standard Health Record Collaborative on Github. Additionally, in the spirit of engaging the open source community, we maintain a blog where we share posts on topics in data modeling, our experience with FHIR, and other healthcare topics. Visit us at to read more!